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How to Keep Your House Smelling Good All The Time?

Angelina Fatii761 21-Feb-2019

Your house is a place where you feel peace and pleasance. If it’s not even big or furnished fantastically, you will still love it and your stay at home will give you comfort because of the atmosphere that you enjoy at your home. What if your stay becomes a headache for you? Yeah! If your house stinks or if your house has some sort of smell, then you will definitely won’t love to stay at home until that smell goes away. No one wants to stay in a house which stinks.

Why House Stinks or Smells Bad?

One of the main reason that make your house stinky or smelly is obviously the trash. There might be something in your house which is causing that stink or bad smell. It can be some perishable item like vegetables, fruits, meat, leftover food something like that left somewhere like in trash bin, kitchen cabinet, beside your sofa or even under your bed. It can also be due to some dead animal like rate, cat, or even a dead bird which died and you’re unaware of its death in your house.

How to Find Out the Reason of Bad Smell?

The best idea to find out the actual reason is to clean your house completely. It will not just remove the bad smell from house but it will make your house smell good. Start cleaning your house by cleaning your room whether it’s your bedroom or even a living room. Here we will tell some tips and steps about how to clean your room so that it may smell good always rather than getting stinky.

How to Clean Room?

The process of cleaning room is almost hectic if you’re a lazy soul. It will take a lot of courage to start the mission of cleaning room. But if you will follow our tips and tricks about how to clean your room, this hectic job will become not just easier one but it will not even make your tired. To know more about how to clean your room smartly, log on to where you can get smart tips about cleaning room.

How to Keep Your House Smelling Good All The Time?

Here are those magical and smart tips that will reveal how to clean room quickly without getting tired:

1. Declutter Your Room

The very first step to clean your room is decluttering your room. You can divide this step into further two steps. Bring the bigger trash bin or the trash bag in your room so that you may throw useless stuff in that. And also bring some empty boxes where you can put small stuff. You may name each box for your ease like makeup box, stationery box, jewellery box etc.

Now start from one corner and keep collecting the scattered rooms stuff. Whatever you pick, put it in the right box or put it in the trash bag if it’s useless. This process is the hardest part of the mission cleaning room. Once you have collected all the stuff and put them either in the trash or in the right box, the first step of decluttering your room is complete.

We kept this step in the first because in this step you can find that thing which is making your room smelly.

2. Let the Air Flow

As you find that thing, put that in the trash and once you finish the decluttering your room, throw the trash bag out of home. Now come back in the room and open the doors and the windows of your room so that fresh air may flow through the room and the bad smell may go away from your room. If the sun is up there, remove the curtain and let the sunlight enter your room. It will help in killing bacteria and other germs in your room’s atmosphere creating bad smell.

3. A Little Dusting and Cleaning

When we ask people how to clean your room, the first step they suggest is dusting and cleaning though it’s not the first step. Now as you have removed from your room the major trash, it’s time to clean up the micro trash i.e. dust. In this step you must do a little dusting first. Take a duster and try to clean things and surfaces like tables, TV, decoration items, bookshelf etc.

Once you are free from the dusting, the process of cleaning room is almost in the final stage because trash is removed, dust from the rooms stuff is removed and now all the dust is one the floor. If you have rugs or the carpet on the floor of your room, take the vacuum cleaner and clean the carpet from dust and micro stuff. You can use hard brush as well for this purpose. If you have wooden, cemented or marble floor then soft brush or mop can be effective for cleaning room floor.

4. Change Sheets and Curtains

Now you have cleaned your room completely so why not to change bedsheet and the curtains? If you don’t have extra curtains, then you can send them to laundry for cleaning. Once bedsheets, pillow covers and ever curtains are changed, your room is now perfectly clean. Now you can close the windows and doors of your room and use some air freshener spray.

You have cleaned one of your room. Similarly, you can clean all other rooms of your house one by one. It won’t make your tired because after every step and after cleaning every room, you can pause and take rest. Breaking the task in small steps and phases makes it easier and less hectic. Once you have completed the cleaning of all the rooms, your house will not be smelling bad rather there would be some sweet fragrance giving you a feeling of peace and delight.

As you have cleaned your home yourself, the intensity of these feelings will be higher. It’s time to relax now. Take some snacks and a glass of juice, sit on sofa and watch your favourite TV show or some movie and relax your mind.

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